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TruKKer for Business

Being Different is Being Same: Why is Diversity Important

“Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with and perhaps the most dangerous thing for a society to be without,” said William Sloane Coffin Jr, a famous long-time peace activist. The counterintuitiveness in this expression failed to amaze the corporate world for a long. But now, if you’re not living under a rock, you must know what it means to any business.

With offices in more than three continents and eleven countries, diversity presented us with many ways to celebrate every culture and belief. We are 18 nationalities and speak more than 20 languages. So, more than a tool to establish an awoke company, it was a promising way to celebrate success together. We love appreciating each other, giving way to ownership that ups the ante in any team game.

Why diversity is no afterthought

Lack of diversity calls it quits for recruitment

Gen Z and millennials look for jobs in companies that prioritize diversity in their leadership roles. According to a study by Intel, 56% of Gen Z respondents feel this way. Plus, the younger generation blends a sense of activism in the workplace. And they vouch for companies that share their personal beliefs.

A lot of people need to be themselves at work

It’s equally essential to make employees feel comfortable at work. Diversity goals help people, especially minority groups, to feel seen and valued in the company.

Studies speak of astute growth

A Harvard Business Review study reveals diverse companies had 70% more chance to hit new markets than ones that didn’t emphasize diverse talent onboarding. It also presented that these companies were 45% more likely to grow their market share. Better performance stems from different perspectives and varied tacit knowledge – we know this!

What’s our stance

 Established transparency goals

  1. Our leaders talk openly about everything related to personal issues and preconceptions
  2. We speak the language of numbers – quantifiable and free of any bias or perceptions
  3. All employees feel secure and empowered, which helps them settle in and thrive faster
  4. We communicate to our employees that failing is a part of securing wins. Our people are not afraid to make mistakes, but they ensure they learn.

Actualized strategies for diverse hiring

A diverse workforce is the best way to look at chronic issues from a new point of view. Social lives matter the most while taking on any challenge – we always tend to draw on and leverage our past fixes. And having diversity in good positions in a firm means good inspiration, a way to show that everyone can grow.

Fended off (any) unconscious bias

Our presumptions stem from notions and often result in biases. So, we have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination. It means we listen actively and consciously connect with employees – and empathize with every aspect of them, both job-related and personal (only if they want help).

On the last leg of building a D&I team

We’re almost done forming a diversity and inclusion team. The team will enable cultural and ethical refinements, increasing diversity while making the business more informed.

We’re here to share our win

Our employees are well-informed about our goals beforehand each quarter. But the best part is we’re also transparent about the amount of progress we make. Plus, celebrating each win together boosts work morale alongside employee engagement.

Encouraging employees to become open-minded doesn’t only help their job lives – but also increases their general acceptance ability in life. Let us know what you think.

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